3D-COFORM Workshop – User Scenarios for 3D in Cultural Heritage

3D-COFORM PUBLIC WORKSHOP – User Scenarios for 3D in Cultural Heritage
EVA Florence 2011
Grand Hotel Minerva, Piazza S. Maria Novella 4 May h. 14,00 – 17,00

Chairmen: David Arnold (University of Brighton), Franco Niccolucci (The Cyprus Institute)

– Philip Brown (University of East Anglia)
– Achille Felicetti (PIN – University of Florence)
– Sorin Hermon (The Cyprus Institute),
– David Kolin (Centre de Recherche et Restauration des Musees de Franc), –
– Denis Pitzalis (The Cyprus Institute)
– James Stevenson (Victoria and Albert Museum)
– Andre Stork (Fraunhofer)

3D-COFORM – Tools & Expertise for 3D Collection Formation – is a Large Scale Integrating Project funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme.

The consortium includes technology developers and Cultural Heritage institutions and has one over-riding aim: to establish 3D documentation as an affordable, practical and effective mechanism for long-term documentation of tangible Cultural Heritage. In order to make this happen, the consortium is highly conscious that both the state of the art in 3D digitisation and the practical aspects of deployment in the sector must be addressed. Hence 3D-COFORM proposes an ambitious program of technical research, coupled with practical exercises and research in the business of 3D to inform and accelerate the deployment of these technologies to good effect.

This Workshop will include presentations of five User Scenarios for 3D in Cultural Heritage. Scenarios cover a range of tangible heritage including museum artefacts and archaeological sites, and emphasise the collaborative work between the technology developers and the Cultural Heritage professionals in utilising 3D, from acquisition through to presentation.

The session will end with an opportunity to put questions on remaining challenges and next steps.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 231809.


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